We are interested in a great variety of technical challenges in and around the intersections of geometry (interpreted broadly), data (mostly from the physical sciences) and Learning (with a significant bent towards statistical learning theory). These areas intersect each other and a whole host of real problems, allowing us to do research from a very grounded, complex systems point of view.

Kevin R. Vixie, the founding director of the center, started his career at Los Alamos, where he started the first big data team. The team he has gathered here combine experience and expertise in geometric measure theory, Riemannian geometry, computational topology, topological data analysis, quantum and nuclear theory and computation, computational and observational gravity, astrophysics, statistics, statistical learning theory, many flavors of optimization, inverse problems, and image and signal processing.

While the central organizing thread is the development and application of mathematical and statistical tools to theoretical and data driven problems, a strong secondary thread is the integrated science and mathematics project aimed at raising the level of innovation by exploiting the power of truly integrated, onterdisciplinary thinking and problem solving.